The Institute promovează industriile creative din România, urmărind să contribuie la modernizarea României. The Institute inițiază și organizează evenimente de 19 ani și a construit o comunitate ce reunește antreprenori, profesioniști și publicul industriilor creative din România.

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Curators of the exhibition @RDW 2016

News / 17 Mai 2016 / Miruna Boțîrcă
  • Curators of the exhibition @RDW 2016
  • Curators of the exhibition @RDW 2016
  • Curators of the exhibition @RDW 2016
  • Curators of the exhibition @RDW 2016
  • Curators of the exhibition @RDW 2016
  • Curators of the exhibition @RDW 2016
This year the main exhibition will include over 150 projects of more than 130 designers and design and architecture studios. 

The projects are part of the following areas: Architecture, Urbanism, Object Design, Hybrid Design, Graphic Design and Illustration, Fashion design and Product Design.
Let them know curators of the exhibition:
Adrian Soare. Architecture. Interior architecture & Urbanism. Section presented by Gealan.

Adrian Soare graduated from Ion Mincu Bucharest Institute of Architecture in 1999. Shortly after, he set up the Urbancult Architecture Studio and won several awards and honors - most prestigious being the European 6 Competition – Lamia, Greece in 2002, European 7 Competitions – Riga, Lithuania in 2004, Bucharest Architecture Biennale 2004 – The biennale medal/ honor, Architecture of Buildings Section.

Starting 2000 he took on a Teaching Assistant position at the University of Architecture UAUIM, for 5 years’ time. He founded SYAA Architecture Office in 2006, along with architect Eliza Yokina. In 2010, Adrian became Vice-President of the Romanian Architects Order, a position he still holds.
Domnica Mărgescu. Fashion. Section presented by Burn

Domnica is Fashion Director for Elle Romania. She has set a standard in fashion editing in Romania, managing to constantly astound with amazing photo shoots, worthy of any prestigious international publication.
Maurice Munteanu. Fashion. Section presented by Burn

Maurice works as Fashion Editor for Elle Romania and is one of the most popular characters in the Fashion industry. In the past he was also in charge of fashion editing at The One Magazine. Maurice also writes on his blog: 
Mihai Gurei. Craft Design. Section presented by Philips

Mihai Gurei promotes contemporary design in Romania for more than 10 years through Intro showroom, but also through dozens of articles and published interviews in speciality press. Being a journalist now, Mihai began his career as producer and DJ and he continued as a distribuitor of movies and independent labels. His attention for design in its different forms reflect his curatorial intervention in conceptual retail area, more precisely, a site with international battle which reunites the best shops worldwide.
Ovidiu Hrin. Graphic design & Illustration. Section presented by Grolsch

Ovidiu Hrin was born in 1977 in Timisoara, Romania. He studied architecture at the Polytechnics University in Timisoara and graphic design at the Art University in Timisoara. In 2001 he founded Synopsis, a versatile graphic design studio, focusing on design projects ranging from complex communication systems to exhibition design and graphic design for a wide range of clients in both cultural and corporate realm.
Ștefan Barutchieff. Product Design. Producr Design. Section presented by Lenovo.

Undergraduate degree from UNARTE, and Master of “Human-Centered Design”, Institute of Design, Chicago. He worked for Media Pro and BBDO/Graffiti. In the US, he did internships at Insight Design, Group4, Steelcase, being later employed at Motorola, Chicago. Since 2005 he is senior designer and creative director at Pilotfish, Munich. He has experience in automotive, medical, consumer electronics, for clients like Samsung, Bosch, BMW, Mini, Dell. He received over ten international design awards.
The main exhibiton Romanian Design Week 2016 will take place in Piața Amzei between 20 May and June 5, and the central exhibition will be open to the public, from 21 May, between 10:00 and 22:00.