The Institute promovează industriile creative din România, urmărind să contribuie la modernizarea României. The Institute inițiază și organizează evenimente de 19 ani și a construit o comunitate ce reunește antreprenori, profesioniști și publicul industriilor creative din România.

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9 Opțiune

Who's who / 21 Apr 2017 / RDW team
  • 9 Opțiune 2017//Rehabilitation of Citadel Square and Stephen’s Tower in Baia Mare
  • 9 Opțiune 2017//Rehabilitation of Citadel Square and Stephen’s Tower in Baia Mare
  • 9 Opțiune 2017//Rehabilitation of Citadel Square and Stephen’s Tower in Baia Mare
9 Opțiune was founded in 1998 by architects Ildiko Mitru and Ștefan Paskucz, graduates of University of Architecture ”Ion Mincu” from Bucharest 1981 and Technical University of Cluj Napoca 1997. Post-graduate courses of restoration at Leuven–Belgium, Rome and Cluj Napoca, by the architects of the Company have increased the skills of the team in the field of restoration and rehabilitation.A welded team in which the energy of a young generation combines with the wisdom of those experienced. 

The purpose of this project was to restore the memory of the most important city edifice - Church St. Stephen - related to the birth of the Rivulus Dominarum city. Following the archaeological excavations conducted at City Square rehabilitation works could reconstruct the shape and dimensions of the church that have been marked in the floor.