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Article / 25 Sep 2017 / RDW team
  • CORVIN CRISTIAN2017// Moony Cafe
  • CORVIN CRISTIAN2017// Moony Cafe
  • CORVIN CRISTIAN2017// Moony Cafe
  • CORVIN CRISTIAN2017// Bread and Wine
  • CORVIN CRISTIAN2017// Bread and Wine
  • CORVIN CRISTIAN2017// Bread and Wine
Corvin Cristian is a designer trained as architect who worked for about ten years as production designer and art director for movie sets. In between, he designed exhibition pavilions, scenography for TV commercials and shows, clubs and restaurants. From 2008, Corvin leads a team specialised in hospitality projects as well as retail and office space. Since 2012, Corvin Cristian Studio joined multidisciplinary team Theleisureway in developing innovative design solutions for the changing retail environment.


Starting from the religious connotations of "bread and wine" and resorting to elements from the religious imagery the ambient humorously references monastic architecture while the activity within differs dramatically from monastic norm.The church bell pendants, texture and stonewalls size, the austere solid furniture and logo follow the same irreverent but tender reference to orthodox symbols. Chairs, benches and tables are custom designed in solid ash, the church bell pendants are made in ceramic; floor is original, discovered under layers of recent interventions. There are no mirrors in the restrooms as, presumably, everybody already looks perfect in this heavenly place (as in the Gargantuan Abbaye de Theleme).

TAKÎM is a family of 6 chairs whose backrests take their sculptural, tribal and funny shapes from cutlery and kitchen utensils. It’s meant to put a smile on the guests’ faces as the start of a great evening. The comfort comes from a slight angle between the symmetrical pieces of the backrest and same goes for the seat.

2017 // Moony Cafe
The richness of details comes from a mix and match of references to the culture of coffee and to the faraway lands where it comes from. Still it manages to maintain a clean, almost minimal overall image given the reduced number of textures (plywood, porcelain, black paint.

2017 // Bread and Wine
Starting from the religious connotations of "bread and wine" and resorting to elements from the religious imagery the ambient humorously references monastic architecture while the activity within differs dramatically from monastic norm.
2016 // Yo Chair
YO’s constructing principle is based on exceptional joinery that allows each component to be separated from the others through a gap. This way one can still discern each independent ingredient, same as with great food. YO is truthful,  is the opposite of disposable furniture. It is too solid for quick service restaurants, same as good food is too slow and difficult to prepare and to source.The comfort comes from the subtle angle play between pieces and from the elastic metal connection between the seat and the backrest.

2016 // „TAKÎM” chairs
TAKÎM in Turkish means “cutlery” and also “team”. TAKÎM is a family of 6 chairs whose backrests take their sculptural, tribal and funny shapes from cutlery and kitchen utensils. It’s meant to put a smile on the guests’ faces as the start of a great evening. The comfort comes from a slight angle between the symmetrical pieces of the backrest and same goes for the seat.

2016 // „DCP” series
The nostalgia for the heavy-duty workshop furniture meets the steam punk take on Eames, Calder and Prouve. Its constructing principle is based on two identical cut metal pieces symmetrically bent. The slight angled plywood elements ensure the comfort. It is suited for indoor and outdoor use and comes with a matching table whose insect-shaped support is an answer to the issue of a central stand without a base that impedes the feet.