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Inside Dizainăr’s Household

Article / 29 Apr 2015 / INSTITUTE.RO
  • Inside Dizainăr’s Household
  • Inside Dizainăr’s Household
  • Inside Dizainăr’s Household
  • Inside Dizainăr’s Household
”Design la rece” – Graphic Design and romanian artists with Colorhood have the opportunity to create, produce and purchase. Graphic Design, Product Design or Interior Design - they can all be found inside Dizainăr’s Household.

The team strongly believes that quality Romanian design starts at home, hence all art, design and culture lovers are invited during RDW 2015 to visit the cozy downtown concept-store, the place to be when you talk about Romanian design-related events.
After viewing a design film, during the launch of the new Bulb 27 products or even through the live illustration performance by Mădălina Andronic and Robert Obert, the visitors can meet Romanian creators and shake their hands in an informal environment.

All in all, everyone can purchase the latest Romanian design products shown in design exhibitions while visiting the Dizainăr concept-store.

Puțul cu Plopi Street, no. 17
16th-22nd of May, from 2pm to 9pm

Design movies: 16 - 17th of May - 7pm
"Design la rece" – Talking graphic design and romanian artists with Colorhood: 18th of May - 7 pm 
Drawing on walls: 19 th of May - 7pm (Mădălina Andronic live-performance show)
Drawing on walls: 20th of May - 7pm (Robert Obert live-performance show)
"Design la rece" - Talking copyright and intelectual property with Iulia Burbea (lawyer) and Gabriela Milcev (lawyer) - 7pm
New products by Bulb 27: 22nd of may - 7pm
Launching "Aramis Feeling" design contest - 7pm

Dizainăr is a premiere entry on the Romanian design scene. A cluster of talented creators from all over the country, gathered under the same umbrella to represent the best of Romania’s potential in the design industry.

As a concept-store, Dizainăr offers a variety of products and design services thus becoming a hub, a connection between the creator, the producer and the end-user.