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The best of Dutch Design - Dutch Design Trail

Article / 29 Apr 2015 / INSTITUTE.RO
  • The best of Dutch Design - Dutch Design Trail
  • The best of Dutch Design - Dutch Design Trail
  • The best of Dutch Design - Dutch Design Trail
Since 2003 Dutch Design Awards (DDA) annually shows and rewards the very best in the field of Dutch design. To this end, DDA appoints selection committees of independent experts who nominate designs in different categories: Product, Communication, Habitat, Service&Systems, Design Research and Fashion. Moreover they select young talent for the Young Designer Award. An international jury appoints the winner. 
The criteria for nomination are: impact, innovation, production process, aesthetics and collaboration. Decisive factor in the judgement is the extent to which the design is innovative and/or makes a relevant contribution to society.
A selection of the three young design talents can be see in the DDA exhibition, hosted at the main venue of Romanian Design Week, part of the Dutch Design Trail

Dave Hakkens (winner ‘Young Designer Award’)
Industrial designer Dave Hakkens graduated from Design Academy Eindhoven in 2013. He wants to create a better world through making people aware of mass production and the way in which we deal with products. His modular phone project Phone Bloks and the recycle installation Precious Plastic attracted wide international attention.
The Committee: By implementing the open source principle in all levels of his designs, Hakkens demonstrates an innovative vision on intellectual property. The ambition to make his products accessible to everyone fits seamlessly with this aspiration. In addition, he succeeds in fostering a broad support base by reaching a large audience via social media and even engaging them in the realization of his designs.
International jury: the international jury, chaired by Atzo Nicolai (DSM) rewards Hakkens for his design qualities, but also for his commitment: with his open source approach and clever use of social media, he succeeds in sharing knowledge and mobilizing a huge group of people to put pressure on large producers and make them think about modular systems.
Liselore Frowijn
Fashion designer Liselore Frowijn graduated from the bachelor Fashion Design at ArtEZ in 2013, and drew the attention with her graduation collection Afternoon of a Replicant. The surprising graphic compositions and prints were inspired by music, art and the variety of cultures around her. The collection brought her to the prestigious fashion festival in Hyères (France), where she won the Prix Chloé.
The Committee: Frowijn’s graduation collection is a visual feast that ignores existing ideas and possibilities in the fields of materials, colors and composition. The style in which she translates graphic design into fashion has been implemented consistently, right from the collection into the photography. The combination of luxuriant fabrics and sportswear makes this Netherlands-produced fashion contemporary and timeless at the same time.

Niels Hoebers
Animator Niels creates lively stop-motion films with a clear signature. In recent years, he attracted the attention with his own work, but also with projects commissioned by, among others, Borre Akkersdijk (ByBorre), rENs, and Maarten Baas. 
The Committee:  Hoebers’ work is characterized by a solid technical realization and a clear narrative. It expresses imagination as well as societal commitment. He knows how to turn commissions into collaborations: he creates his own signature without ever losing sight of the identity of the client.