The Institute promovează industriile creative din România, urmărind să contribuie la modernizarea României. The Institute inițiază și organizează evenimente de 19 ani și a construit o comunitate ce reunește antreprenori, profesioniști și publicul industriilor creative din România.

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J’AI BISTROT// Designers’ Garage SALE!

Article / 29 Apr 2015 / INSTITUTE.RO
  • J’AI BISTROT// Designers’ Garage SALE!
  • J’AI BISTROT// Designers’ Garage SALE!bogdan stanciu
  • J’AI BISTROT// Designers’ Garage SALE!
  • J’AI BISTROT// Designers’ Garage SALE!
The “Designers’ Garage SALE!” event is a unique concept on the Romanian market merging a casual designer signature fair with a never done before Garage SALE! by the designers. The Romanian designers joining the event will bring items carrying their signature, belonging to past collections at a discounted price, making it more accessible to the large public to get acquainted with the contemporary Romanian design market, and also for the fun of it, we invite designers to dig through their wardrobe and select a number of items that they previously wore and at this point do not represent them anymore or items they got bored with, no longer fit or for the simple reason of choosing to declutter their wardrobe and building space for new items, they bring them to the “Designers’ Garage SALE!” The event will also have a charity side, each designer will donate one item that will be included in a raffle. The raffle tickets’ prices will consist of a donation to “Sonia Maria” association, in the benefit of the hearing impaired children. The raffle will be held at the end of the event.

The “Designers’ Garage SALE!” event is a new idea on the market and by the nature of the Garage SALE! concept it attracts many people in search of a bargain, but having a “Designers’ Garage SALE”! is even more interesting since people are always attracted by the personal life of public persona.
Calea Griviței, no. 55
17th of May, from 11am to 6pm

Creative Bistrot - A relaxed space where people communicate with one another.

Starting with its first day, J’ai Bistrot animated the place with beautiful and passionate people. Live music, indie, jazz, funk, soul, young or well known bands, stories written with partners or told through theatre for adults and children, independent movie projections, partnerships with international film festivals, games and handmade fairs but mostly J’ai Bistrot likes to brag about more and more beautiful people they get to know and care for with whom they can start and grow new projects.

J’ai Bistrot’s gate is opened for a wide range of partnerships, from graffiti festivals or children games to partnerships with universities or social causes.