The Institute promovează industriile creative din România, urmărind să contribuie la modernizarea României. The Institute inițiază și organizează evenimente de 19 ani și a construit o comunitate ce reunește antreprenori, profesioniști și publicul industriilor creative din România.

Prin tot ceea ce face,  contribuie la construirea unei infrastructuri puternice pentru dezvoltarea antreprenoriatului creativ în țară, crește și diversifică audiența atelierelor, designerilor, micilor afaceri, agențiilor și manufacturilor, promovează antreprenorii și profesioniștii creativi pe plan național și internațional. 

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Who's who / 11 Apr 2018 / RDW team
  • LIANA BĂDĂLĂU2018 // Delirium - Butterfly Effect
  • LIANA BĂDĂLĂU2018 // Delirium - Butterfly Effect
  • LIANA BĂDĂLĂU2018 // Delirium - Butterfly Effect
  • LIANA BĂDĂLĂU2018 // Delirium - Butterfly Effect
  • LIANA BĂDĂLĂU2018 // Delirium - Butterfly Effect
  • LIANA BĂDĂLĂU2018 // Delirium - Butterfly Effect
Her artistic approach is in the process of development. Although she does not have a particular style, she is constantly addressing, being able to put into her work a personal vision. It is attracted to sign, shape and color. She thinks that an artistic concept can be of a long time, but it can also come in a flash of moment, a livelihood, a memory, a game. She is currently attracted to mixed media techniques, strong colors and contemporary aesthetic forms.


2018 // Delirium - Butterfly Effect
The work is part of the "Delirium - Butterfly Effect" project - a collection of textiles that aims more at the aesthetic role of the textile in clothing than its functionality. The motif is represented by the butterfly - a symbol of infinite, transformation and multiple possibilities created by the beating of the wings according to Theory of Chaos. The piece urges self-reliance, a spontaneous contemplation, without any subjective factor.

It is made using mixed media techniques, combining traditional screen printing with free printing. The support is cotton and its surface is altered by various techniques: textile print, contemporary embroidery, embossed structures, textile applications. The chromatic range is strong, the central color being based on pink.

The form under which the material is presented is the kimono, a pretext clothing with a wide significance, which can value the created material.
It's a contemporary interpretation.