The Institute promovează industriile creative din România, urmărind să contribuie la modernizarea României. The Institute inițiază și organizează evenimente de 19 ani și a construit o comunitate ce reunește antreprenori, profesioniști și publicul industriilor creative din România.

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Who's who / 02 Apr 2019 / RDW team
  • LTFB STUDIO & RIZI2019 // B-Lay office interior design
  • LTFB STUDIO & RIZI2019 // B-Lay office interior design
  • LTFB STUDIO & RIZI2019 // B-Lay office interior design
  • LTFB STUDIO & RIZI2019 // B-Lay office interior design
  • LTFB STUDIO & RIZI2019 // B-Lay office interior design
RIZI is a design studio at the intersection of architecture, technology and communication. RIZI is creating cross-media projects for digital and physical realms, with a focus on experience design. LTFB Studio is an architecture and design office that builds spaces capable to enhance & improve social relationships, to define new identities and a sense of belonging.

The partnership between LTFB & RIZI provided an unique mix between spatial and experiential design.


2019 // B-Lay office interior design
LTFB & RIZI’s approach for the design of the Bucharest offices of B-lay, a Dutch company, enhanced the architectural path with elements from UX design and Human Centered Design.

The heterogeneous needs were explored during a custom-made workshop held by the design team. The mix generated a different mood for each floor: Silent, Active & Social.

All floors have a coherent image and a sense of identity, with an open-space model, adopted to suit the narrow floors. Focus-oriented work stations & intimate spaces were embedded throughout. To mitigate the effects of office routine, the concept stimulates the alternation of work & relaxation, of individual & social activities. Silent is a focus-intensive floor, with various degrees of seclusion. Active floor challenges workplace sedentariness by combining traditional and experimental work & relaxation spaces. The Social floor is a colourful, brightly lit space, designed for creative activities, uninhibited communication and teamwork.