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Arhitectural objects with a twist

Article / 21 Feb 2015 / Ioana Pîrvu
  • Arhitectural objects with a twist
  • Arhitectural objects with a twist
  • Arhitectural objects with a twist
  • Arhitectural objects with a twist
  • Arhitectural objects with a twist
  • Arhitectural objects with a twist
Laura Chifiriuc (Bucharest, 1984) lives and works in Stockholm. She is active internationally on both design practice and research projects. Laura holds a bachelor and masters in architecture from "Ion Mincu" University in Bucharest and masters in experience design from Konstfack University in Stockholm. Through her practice, she is dedicated to create interdisciplinary interventions with focus on human experience, through which she has the flexibility to search the best medium for a given situation. Her outcomes vary from an architectural object to a small dice game.

PLAY AND COOK - dice game
A fun way to get out of your cooking routine and find new inspiration every day.
The elements are carefully picked so any combination can make a delicious, balanced meal. It contains six dices: proteins, carbohydrates, seasonal vegetables, herbs, extra ingredients and cooking techniques.
"Play and Cook" is currently a handmade product, created in limited editions, out of local wood species. The exhibition presents the version from the first series, made and sold in Sweden. The second edition is in english.

Story of O is a game about narrative architecture, social interaction and the extended consciousness. Four players compete in exploring the imaginary world of O, where the environment changes in connection to players’ feelings, their memories and the way they use their senses. The game design explores a personal interest in making the field of play a critical space, as players intertwine their experiences over the perception and socio-cultural meanings of the built environment. The design of the game board and pieces focuses on tactility and navigation, where pieces fit together through magnets, just like experiences fit together through the invisible force of narrative. The game was originally created as final graduation project of the Masters in Arts program in Experience Design at Konstfack, Stockholm, 2014.