The Institute promovează industriile creative din România, urmărind să contribuie la modernizarea României. The Institute inițiază și organizează evenimente de 19 ani și a construit o comunitate ce reunește antreprenori, profesioniști și publicul industriilor creative din România.

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Romanian Design Week Classics exhibition at the Romanian Cultural Institute

News / 18 Mai 2016 / RDW team
  • Romanian Design Week Classics exhibition at the Romanian Cultural Instituteioana ciolacu
  • Romanian Design Week Classics exhibition at the Romanian Cultural Instituteatelier mass
  • Romanian Design Week Classics exhibition at the Romanian Cultural InstituteDragos motica
  • Romanian Design Week Classics exhibition at the Romanian Cultural Institutepaul dersidan
Romanian Design Week Classics exhibition opening will take place on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at 6 PM, at the Romanian Cultural Institute (Aleea Alexandru 38). The exhibition brings together works created by 4 designers for the 4 RDW editions and documents the development of their techniques and style over the years. The selected designers are Atelier Mass, Dragoș Motica, Ioana Ciolacu and Paul Dersidan and they tell their own story by juxtaposing ideas, moments and innovations that mark their evolution. Join the exhibition and look out for these design stars and their creative touches in architecture, fashion, graphics and product design.

Dragoș Motica presents the product design category. He consider himself an optimistic person and which thinks that "he can and must generate progress" was awarded in 2015 with Gold by A’Design Award for the lamp entitled "/" and a few other times by the Romanian Furniture Manufacturers Association.

The architecture is represented by Atelier Mass, an initiative that appeared from the conviction that "a good communication with other areas is needed for a good level of the solutions", say the architects from Atelier Mass, while Paul Dersidan that gave up the advertising activity to study combinations of analog and digital techniques in the construction of fonts, stamps and comics, packaging, illustration, collage and painting, represents the graphic design category.

The fashion designer Ioana Ciolacu is the fourth participant of "Romanian Design Week Classics". Graduate of architecture at the University of Architecture and Urbanism and of the Bucharest National University of Arts, Ioana explores the relationship between the static nature of buildings and the fluid structure for the clothes, making her brand a creative force of pret-a-porter recognized abroad and awarded for blurring the border between masculinity and feminity.

The project selection:

Architecture: Atelier MASS – “Temporary design at the Blaj Cultural Palace” (2013); “Urban Plan for Oradea Independece Square” (2014); “Fecade study for the Paintbrush Factory” (2015); “TIFF Sign” (2016) // Product Design: Dragoș Motica – “Marco Series” (2013); “/” Lamp (2014); “Kitchen containers” (2015); „N Lamp” (2016) // Graphic Design: Paul Dersidan – „Rainbow” (2013); „Cover design Feldspar” (2014); “Natural Nutrition Packaging” (2015); “Landscape” (2016) // Fashion: Ioana Ciolacu – “Paradox SS 2013”; “Paradox 2.0” (2014); “Hunters - SS 2015”; “All Things Nice - AW 16/17” (2016)

Romanian Design Week Classics is recommended by UniCredit Bank and selected in UniCredit Design Trail circuit.
Adress: Aleea Alexandru no.38 / exhibition program / May 26 to July 8 / MF 10:00 - 17:00