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WA Awards 42nd Cycle is now open and accepting entries

Article / 03 Oct 2022 / Andra Mihai
  • WA Awards 42nd Cycle is now open and accepting entries
WA Awards 10+5+X 42nd Cycle: 
Deadline: October 24, 2022

World Architecture Community has opened the WA Awards 10+5+X 42nd Cycle to accept innovative projects from all around to be judged by a panel of star jury, including world-renowned architects, high-profiled academics and top design leaders, as well as WA Awards' previous winners and World Architecture Community Members. 

All architects, interior designers, architecture and interior design students can send their entries until October 24, 2022 (23:59 GMT +0) by registering to WAC from here first. Registrations are free to WAC and participants need to upload their works to their WAC pages first and they can send their entries whenever they want before the deadline. 

WA Awards includes over 1,953 winning projects since it was established. Since 2006 and for over 40 Cycles, World Architecture Community organises the prestigious and acclaimed WA Awards 10+5+X. The aim of the WA Community Awards is to highlight and recognise remarkable projects that might otherwise remain unnoticed by the international public, yet have the potential to inspire exciting questions about contemporary architectural discourse.

Eligible Members

Only Architects, Architecture Offices, Interior Designers, Interior Design Offices, Architecture and Interior Design Students are eligible to apply to WA Awards 10+5+X.


WA Awards is accepting projects for architects, interior designers and students under 2 major sections: Architecture and Interior Design. Then projects should be sent under these 3 sub-categories Realised, Designed and Student. All participants should send their projects that meet these conditions: 

For Architecture:

WA Designed Award: Projects that were not built,
WA Realised Award: Projects that are actually built (built maximum within the last 10 years),
WA Student Award: Projects designed by Students/Academics (projects must have been studied in students' undergraduate years or in Master's Degree), only "Designed/Conceptual" projects valid - Student category projects must be presented with Supervisor or Tutor/Instructor's name and surname in the "Project Team" section during the upload. Student category projects which don't comply with these criteria will be removed from the competition,

For Interior Design:

WA Realised Award: Projects that are actually built (maximum within the last 10 years),
WA Student Award: Projects designed by Students/Academics (projects must have been studied in students' undergraduate years or in Master's Degree), only "Designed/Conceptual" projects valid - Student category projects must be presented with Supervisor or Tutor/Instructor's name and surname in the "Project Team" section during the upload. Student category projects which don't comply with these criteria will be removed from the competition.

WA Awards is free-of-charge for WAC Professional Members and Students.

Evaluation Criteria

WA Awards' evaluation criteria is based on Novelty, Originality and Creativity in design that reflect and inspire a commitment to the art of architecture are the major criteria. World Architecture Community tries to bridge the gap between theory and practice; thus the architect’s explanations and member’s discussions on submissions will be critical for recognition as much as the design itself.

Timetable & Calendar

The WA Awards 10+5+X runs typically for 3-4 cycles per year. This gives more breathing room to the WA Awards 10+5+X jury, while giving participants more time to finalise their projects. 

Selection Process

WA Awards' judging is based on 2 selection processes: WAC Members' Voting and WAC's Honorary Members and earlier WA Award Winners Voting. 
The members mentioned above will see "the Vote" button defined for them after clicking on the World Architecture Awards 10+5+X Submissions page. 
Voting is realized by a mixture of WAC's Honorary Members and earlier WA Award Winners. Their Votes will determine the first 10 winning projects. 

The second judging is WAC Members' Voting, which is realized by the fellow community members of World Architecture Community. Their Votes will decide the next 5-awarded projects.

Both judging procedures, WAC Members' Voting and WAC's Honorary Members and earlier WA Award Winners Voting, are taking place simultaneously.  

After the deadline ends, World Architecture Community will announce the Voting process and the Voting process will be held within the specific time range on World Architecture Awards 10+5+X Submissions page.

Entry Fees

WA Awards Participation Fee for Associate Members (per Cycle and per Project):

WAC Professional Membership fee: $250 annual 
Designed category: $100
Realised category: $200
Students: free 


WAC's Honorary Members are an exclusive group of invited architects, acclaimed critics, academics and theoreticians, editors of architectural magazines, curators and other experts from architectural centers and other organizations.

Nikos Fintikakis, co-founder of SYNTHESIS AND RESEARCH, acclaimed Indonesian architect Budi Sukada, who is senior lecturer at the University of Tarumanagara, artist and teacher Ruth JacobsonAlhadeff Architects founder Giancarlo AlhadeffSanjay Puri, the founder of Sanjay Puri Architects, are among the WAC's Honorary Members. 

WAC's Members are composed of architects, interior designers, students and academics. 

Pricing details and WAC Membership Benefits can be seen from here

You can see WA Awards' previous winners

Make sure to participate in this acclaimed competition to showcase your work and get the recognition of your peers that you deserve while getting your projects the visibility they need.

For further details, please visit How To Participate.

About WA Awards 10+5+X

Since 2006 and for over 40 Cycles, World Architecture Community organizes the prestigious and acclaimed World Architecture Community Awards (WA Awards). The WA Awards highlights and recognizes remarkable projects that have the potential to inspire exciting questions about contemporary architectural discourse.

Given the International nature of the World Architecture Community, participants from around the Globe and in particular from regions less covered by general or specialised media, get a chance to share and promote their projects, which would otherwise go unnoticed.

Hashtag: #WAawards

About World Architecture Community

Founded in 2006, World Architecture Community provides a unique environment for architects, interior designers, architecture & interior design students and academics around the globe to meet, share and compete. As a truly global platform, World Architecture Community is the place where international contemporary architecture and interior design are expressed from all horizons, providing an equal opportunity to those countries generally less covered by international media.