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Ladies in waiting. A solo show of Carmen Secareanu

Article / 11 Mai 2016 / RDW team
  • Ladies in waiting. A solo show of Carmen Secareanu
  • Ladies in waiting. A solo show of Carmen Secareanu
  • Ladies in waiting. A solo show of Carmen Secareanu
Ladies-in-waiting’ is a mysterious and haunting exhibition, eschewing classical representations of beauty in favor of a highly personal expression of ephemeral femininity that transcends the limits of pure visual perception. Influenced by Geoffrey Chaucer’s poem The Legend of the Good Women, the concept of the exhibition is gathered around the untold stories of seven women mentioned in this poetic work as „ladies-in waiting”. The major works in the exhibition explore the notions of boundaries and privacy, regarding the (social) body and the work of art. It’s a speech about the ways these two notions are shared by both the public space and the inside of a museum. Ladies-in-waiting tests the fascination of the „untold” to its limit, but it also tries to break and reconstruct the things that shape the „unattached” surface of our own image – clothing.

Lipscani Street, no. 84-90 (ARCUB)
21st of May - 1st of June // from 10am to 10pm // Opening: 21st of May, 6pm

After graduating from the Design section of the Fine Arts University in Bucharest, Carmen Secăreanu started her own brand, in 2002. She stood out and defined her own creative vision & style. She won prizes and in 2009 her current collection was shown at Paris Fashion Week. Being a highly gifted and original artist, she became widely appreciated by the local and international fashion press.