The Institute promovează industriile creative din România, urmărind să contribuie la modernizarea României. The Institute inițiază și organizează evenimente de 19 ani și a construit o comunitate ce reunește antreprenori, profesioniști și publicul industriilor creative din România.

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Neo Studio. A Programme for Bright Young Students and Trainees

Article / 09 Mai 2016 / RDW team
  • Neo Studio. A Programme for Bright Young Students and Trainees
  • Neo Studio. A Programme for Bright Young Students and Trainees
NeoGalateca continues for the third consecutive time the partnership with the National University of Arts, Fashion & Textile Department, with a joint student exhibition, InPSYme organised by prof. Univ. Ioana Sanda Avram (Fashion Department) and Decantations coordinated by prof. Univ. Dr. Dorina Horătău (Textile Department). Both exhibitions are part of Neo Studio. A Programme for Bright Young Students and Trainees, an ongoing project initiated by Galateca.

InPSYme is a fashion collection, but it extends to the level of event, actually describing a whole cultural area, through tools that are related to lifestyle and the symbiosis between young creative people and the world they live in.

Decantations plays with the limits of artistic education, by following chronologically a series of successive moments, from the act of teaching to the finished art object, a discourse presented as a way of refining a vision in which each segment describes, in fact, a step in understanding aesthetically.

May 21 - 28
C.A. Rosetti Street, no. 2-4
Tuesday to Friday: 12pm to 8pm 
Saturday: 11am to 7pm

GALATECA is a project created by artists, designers, architects, curators and communication specialists set out to develop exhibitions of applied arts, new multimedia art, a gallery shop that is a total novelty for Bucharest art scene and multidisciplinary cultural experiences, where one could get in touch with contemporary art and amazing personalities. At the beginning of 2013, Galateca launched a new concept of gallery shop, NeoGalateca, a store that puts together innovative home & deco international brands, the best designers and the most talented Romanian and international artists, a space that displays object-design, books and art portfolios.