The Institute promovează industriile creative din România, urmărind să contribuie la modernizarea României. The Institute inițiază și organizează evenimente de 19 ani și a construit o comunitate ce reunește antreprenori, profesioniști și publicul industriilor creative din România.

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Who's who / 11 Apr 2018 / RDW team
  • IDEASTEZIA STUDIO2018 // Brains & Bones
  • IDEASTEZIA STUDIO2018 // Brains & Bones
  • IDEASTEZIA STUDIO2018 // Brains & Bones
  • IDEASTEZIA STUDIO2018 // Brains & Bones
  • IDEASTEZIA STUDIO2018 // Brains & Bones
Ideastezia Studio is an architecture and design practice based in Bucharest, founded by Larisa Rățoi and Roxana Nistor in 2015. Having a background of art and architecture studies, we offer complete creative services in the architectural branch, from large scale buildings to interior and product design, architectural visualization and graphic design.

The studio strives to make each project unique, participating in all the design stages, from concept development to implementation supervision.


2018 // Brains & Bones - veterinary neurosurgery and orthopedics
Brains & Bones is a specialized veterinary center, focused on neurosurgery and orthopedics, that opened in April 2017, in Bucharest.

The project started on an open-space layout of around 350sqm. Beside the formal layout needs of a veterinary center, the clients had no special requests, so the project became an exercise of the imagination for the architects, building a new brand, from naming and logo to the promo materials and the art featured.

The design is of industrial inspiration, using concrete for walls and ceilings, copper for accents and vegetation to bring warmth.

There are two entry points in the center, one for the public, one for staff. The public enters through the reception area and branches out in the adjacent spaces. From the treatment and consultation areas, with the use of glass openings, the public has access to the otherwise forbidden surgery areas.