Veltra Bikes' story began in 2012, when they decided to make the perfect bike for riding through the city. They started with a simple premise, to give people a bicycle that is eco-friendly and has a unique design.
The team expanded over the years and today it consists of 6 professionals which invest their entire energy and passion in building a bike that turns heads.
2019 // VELTRA
Veltra unveils the latest innovations in the sustainable market by introducing the first laminated bamboo bike in the World. After years of research, they concluded that bamboo is the perfect material to build a bicycle as it has a high strength-to weight ratio, vibration dampening and sustainable growth.
Combined with the finest craftsmanship, the best materials and a unique design this bike offers the perfect blend between performance, weight, strength, stiffness and comfort for long days around the city.
Pre-order this bike during Romain Design Week and get a 200 euro discount with code: RDW200. The offer is limited to the first five orders. Check out veltrabikes.com for more information.
Veltra Bikes' story began in 2012, when they decided to make the perfect bike for riding through the city. They started with a simple premise, to give people a bicycle that is eco-friendly and has a unique design.
The team expanded over the years and today it consists of 6 professionals which invest their entire energy and passion in building a bike that turns heads.
2019 // VELTRA
Veltra unveils the latest innovations in the sustainable market by introducing the first laminated bamboo bike in the World. After years of research, they concluded that bamboo is the perfect material to build a bicycle as it has a high strength-to weight ratio, vibration dampening and sustainable growth.
Combined with the finest craftsmanship, the best materials and a unique design this bike offers the perfect blend between performance, weight, strength, stiffness and comfort for long days around the city.
Pre-order this bike during Romain Design Week and get a 200 euro discount with code: RDW200. The offer is limited to the first five orders. Check out veltrabikes.com for more information.