The Institute promovează industriile creative din România, urmărind să contribuie la modernizarea României. The Institute inițiază și organizează evenimente de 19 ani și a construit o comunitate ce reunește antreprenori, profesioniști și publicul industriilor creative din România.

Prin tot ceea ce face,  contribuie la construirea unei infrastructuri puternice pentru dezvoltarea antreprenoriatului creativ în țară, crește și diversifică audiența atelierelor, designerilor, micilor afaceri, agențiilor și manufacturilor, promovează antreprenorii și profesioniștii creativi pe plan național și internațional. 

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Termeni și condiții ale The Institute și politica de confidențialitate a datelor cu caracter personal. 



Who's who / 11 Apr 2019 / RDW team
  • GRAMATSCHII DESIGN STUDIO2019 // „KOKI” Tape Dispenser
  • GRAMATSCHII DESIGN STUDIO2019 // „KOKI” Tape Dispenser
  • GRAMATSCHII DESIGN STUDIO2019 // „KOKI” Tape Dispenser
  • GRAMATSCHII DESIGN STUDIO2019 // „KOKI” Tape Dispenser
  • GRAMATSCHII DESIGN STUDIO2019 // „KOKI” Tape Dispenser
We are a creative studio based in Kishinev, Moldova. We strongly believe in minimalist design and its timelessness.One of the things that inspired us to create are objects that have a story.

Our work rose from the need to create unique products, after pondering upon the value of things you find in a museum or even in your grandmother’s attic. Objects of sentimental and symbolic value, that can pass the test of time. We aim to leave something palpable behind. Let the product speak for you!

2019 // „KOKI” Tape Dispenser
A product that perfectly combines two contrasting crafts: metalworking and woodworking. The untreated metal is allowed to naturally oxidize so that it can obtain its valued timelessness. Chestnut and ash spools are lathed by craftsmen, then treated with an unique combination of hard wax and natural oils. KOKI is a functional and decorative tape dispenser stylised as a snail, you can feel the simplicity of its form through the clean line that shapes the product's silhouette. A minimum of parts and limited colors are formed thanks to the qualities of the chosen metals, stainless steel or brass, in contrast with natural wood. Well-sharpened teeth on the dispenser allow you to cut any length of tape with ease. The brass version will age beautifully with time, as the metal obtains a dark and rich pattern thanks to oxidation. Remarkable, KOKI adds style and elegance to any workspace in the office or at home. Almost everlasting, with a 75 year warranty.