The Institute promovează industriile creative din România, urmărind să contribuie la modernizarea României. The Institute inițiază și organizează evenimente de 19 ani și a construit o comunitate ce reunește antreprenori, profesioniști și publicul industriilor creative din România.

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New Technologies – Discover Poland

Articol / 29 Apr 2015 / INSTITUTE.RO
  • New Technologies – Discover Poland
The Polish Institute in Bucharest and Modulab invites you to visit to the ‘New technologies – discover Poland” project, which brings the new Polish technologies and discoveries into the spotlight. The project consists of a catalogue with 37 inventions some of which have already been implemented and others with such great potential, and an exhibition which on hexagonal boards presents 16 of those inventions. From the many prestigious Polish institutions which participated in the project we can recall: The Polish Academy of Sciences, The Polish Federation of Engineering Associations, The Patent Office of the Republic of Poland and The Association of Polish Inventors and Rationalizers. The majority of the inventions participating in the project are the work of Polish research institutes and technical universities and the criteria on which they were chosen are their substantive value but also their practical and versatile usefulness. The exhibition has a universal character and is mainly focused towards researchers and specialists but is also accessible to the general public as its main purpose is the introduction of these technologies and their scientific and innovative potential as well as showing their usability in people’s everyday life.

Viitorului Street, no. 135
16 - 24th of May
Official Opening: 16th of May, from 7pm

The Polish Institute in Bucharest, founded in 2001, is a diplomatic mission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. Our mission and main goal is to promote the image of Poland in Romania and Moldova by organising cultural events, open to large audiences. We fulfil our mission in cooperation with leading cultural and educational institutions and festivals in both countries. We have built up a strong network of contacts between people and institutions in both countries. This network is still growing. New initiatives, inspired by events, workshops and friendships made last year, are strongly visible and constantly developing. We are open to all these new ideas and happy to support them.