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Architecture of textile / Dutch Design Trail

News / 29 Apr 2015 / INSTITUTE.RO
  • Architecture of textile / Dutch Design Trail
Architecture of textile is a live weaving installation by architects Freyke Hartemink and Aura Luz Melis: professional weavers will perform the act of weaving, making all the steps of a design and production process visible. The design they will use is based on a traditional Romanian pattern which will be woven every day over and over again, transforming its scale, color and material . The final textiles will be left on the 2 looming frames. Depending on their arrangement these Textile Frames will influence the architectural space.

The installation will be the result of the work of the two architects with the support of the National University of Arts Bucharest (UNArte) and of the professional weavers Geta Avram and Mariana Neamțu
Saturday, May 16th, starting 12 PM, Aura Luz Melis and Freyke Hartemink will have a lecture at Hanul Gabroveni as an introduction to their projects on architecture, interior design and products and on their vision on design.
Sunday, May 17th, starting 17, Aura and Freyke will host at Hanul Gabroveni a movie night, with 2 short films: "The Perfect Human" and "The Five obstructions".
Due to the partnership with "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism, Mrs. Beatrice-Gabriela Jöger, PhD Architect and Vice-Rector for Image and International Cooperation "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism, will lecture, at Hanul Gabroveni, on May 20th and 22th, starting 11 AM. 
On May 20th the lecture will be on "Traditional Looming Techniques and Patterns" and on May 22th, Mrs. Jöger will talk about the History of Interior Design and Use of Textiles.