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Earth, Fire, Wind, Water

Articol / 21 Feb 2015 / Ioana Pîrvu
  • Earth, Fire, Wind, Water
  • Earth, Fire, Wind, Water
  • Earth, Fire, Wind, Water
  • Earth, Fire, Wind, Water
  • Earth, Fire, Wind, Water
  • Earth, Fire, Wind, Water
  • Earth, Fire, Wind, Water
Paul Dersidan is a graphic designer/art director living in Bucharest. After several years of working in multinational advertising agencies, he co-founded Blau, an advertising and graphic design studio. His work, that combines analogue and digital designing techniques, range from fonts, playing cards, stamps, comics, music and art book covers to id, packaging, illustration, collage and painting.

11, 22, 33,
Imagine 3 keepsake boxes with bits and pieces of the designer's childhood that he opens when reaching 33 years old and puts them on 'canvas'. Each box represents each 11-year period of his life. Here is showcased the 1st box – part of a series of 3 – which holds precious memories from the artist's first 11 years of life: favorite toy car, a picture of his family favorite food at social occasions, his kite, first video game and so on.
The t-shirt compresses all 33 memories into one single frame. 

Earth, Fire, Wind, Water
Fun at any age, cards encourage people of all walks of life to interact, engage and share positive social experiences. When on top of this cards are beautiful and intriguing, they improve the players' aesthetic sense, pleasure and experience and up-lifts their spirit. This custom design is meant to bring new playfulness to the classical four-color deck, turning to nature for inspiration.
The four suits find their meaning in nature – green in the earth, red in the fire, black in the wind and blue in the deep pure water, each one illustrating a different experience on playing outdoors, with natural elements.