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Toy from a single wooden cube

Articol / 21 Feb 2015 / Ioana Pîrvu
  • Toy from a single wooden cube
  • Toy from a single wooden cube
  • Toy from a single wooden cube
Adrian Balcău is a young object designer from Cluj-Napoca. He has his own studio there, where he searches beauty, explores interesting concepts and creates fresh shapes. His objects start out most of the times as sculptural experiments of the form but always hide a layer of psychological emotional interaction between human and object. Inspired by minimalism, geometry, symmetry, `50s-`60s design and his own experimenting with different materials, he is always searching to tell a story through his objects. Even though he has an artistic approach to his design practice he is very pragmatic, very rational and has a very clear view of the final product. For him, design needs to be meaningful and wrapped up in beauty. 

Baby Truck Toy
The Baby Truck Toy is an exploration of the aestethics of wood by means of an object with fluent and cursive characteristics. This toy is made out of a single wooden cube that has been fragmented and put toghether again so that the wood grains flow continuously from one component of the toy to another, around it, emphasizing its shape.
The starting point for this toy was the wooden cube as the essence of playing and of the toy, with its endless possibilities.