The Institute promovează industriile creative din România, urmărind să contribuie la modernizarea României. The Institute inițiază și organizează evenimente de 19 ani și a construit o comunitate ce reunește antreprenori, profesioniști și publicul industriilor creative din România.

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Who's who / 14 Mai 2015 / RDW team
Ph.D UNA Kristina Dragomir, visual artist and the first hats designer which at 60 years distance from the interwar period, she reintroduced the hats in the romanian women daily style. Built on a the cultivated talent and perfected continuously, his creations have exceeded the country's borders, the brand Kristina Dragomir is now being found in the most select and exclusive international concept stores. L'Eclaireur, one of the oldest and famous Parisian concept store, Beams International Japan, Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago, Swinger International Milano or Marc by Marc Jacobs Bruxelles, are some examples of the worldwide stores that sell the brand Kristina Dragomir, positioning it on the same list of the major brands in the world. Kristina Dragomir hats are part of the amaizing platform The Residency/WhoYouAre, the new fashion art social media site created by Bea Åkerlund, one of most brilliant stylists & art minds in the fashion world, who presents to the world, a selection of the most emerging designers directly in the heart of Hollywood's. Kristina Dragomir was appointed official supplier for the Romanian Royal Family. ASR Princess Margaret has worn Kristina Dragomir hats on many high profile occasions: Royal Ascot, The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee or Royal Marriage in Luxembourg. The complex manufacture procedure of her hats, the fact that she searches the world for the materials she uses and her constant adaptation to the society evolution by inventing different ways to wear the same hat, makes her creations amazing and unique. She makes beautiful heads and not hats.


2015 // Heads Not Hats
We often use accessories in order to distinguish ourselves from the others, and for that we use hats as a means of communication. The hat is a very important accessory for the nonverbal communication repertoire. It serves for the purpose of emphasizing one’s appearance, thus becoming an extension of his/her personality. It’s a sophisticated means of laying stress upon one’s face, at the same time being a fantastic, colourful and spicy alternative which tones it up.
The concept of artwear or wearable art from the last collections contributes to the articulation of a fantastic image of the hat, specific for the contemporary fashion. Kristina Dragomir's hats convert the head into a living artifact, and the concepts of each collection contain a big number of reinterpretations of some classical moulds, by assigning them new meanings.
She has simplified the hat’s form, by reducing it to a necessary minimum. The patterns were born from the excess of ornaments, which emphasizes each piece’s architecture and this way the hat flourishes through itself. Kristina counts on the pattern’s simplicity and on the special detail, ingeniously used. Through its visual impact succeeds in bridging between creation, possibility and interpretation. The transformation of the crown into a character is a good example of the way you can reinterpret and wring a classical pattern.