The Institute promovează industriile creative din România, urmărind să contribuie la modernizarea României. The Institute inițiază și organizează evenimente de 19 ani și a construit o comunitate ce reunește antreprenori, profesioniști și publicul industriilor creative din România.

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Internio +

Who's who / 21 Apr 2017 / RDW team
  • Internio +2017//Reconversion Alcohol Drinks Factory into Baustark offices
  • Internio +2017//Reconversion Alcohol Drinks Factory into Baustark offices
  • Internio +2017//Reconversion Alcohol Drinks Factory into Baustark offices
  • Internio +2017//Reconversion Alcohol Drinks Factory into Baustark offices
  • Internio +2017//Reconversion Alcohol Drinks Factory into Baustark offices
  • Internio +2017//Reconversion Alcohol Drinks Factory into Baustark offices

Internio + is a small interior architecture studio, founded in 2011, that chooses to plan very thorough and control each phase of the spaces transformation process. With a very original and contemporary vision, it has an empathic approach towards those who will pass, use or dwell the spaces. 


2017//Reconversion Alcohol Drinks Factory into Baustark offices 

The architects’ first thought was BIGNESS (the problem of large) written by Rem Koolhas. The concept is connected to his theory, stating that these kind of big buildings tend to turn interest from the outside to the inside, where nothing stays too big as long as it is rationalized and made useful for its dwellers.
Internio suggested that basic plain metal sheets replace the shell and divided the interior thus all necessary functions were present and coherent for Baustark.