The Institute promovează industriile creative din România, urmărind să contribuie la modernizarea României. The Institute inițiază și organizează evenimente de 19 ani și a construit o comunitate ce reunește antreprenori, profesioniști și publicul industriilor creative din România.

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Who's who / 08 Apr 2019 / RDW team
  • IOANA TRUȘCĂ2019 // Dwelling scenarios // AP770
  • IOANA TRUȘCĂ2019 // Dwelling scenarios // AP770
  • IOANA TRUȘCĂ2019 // Dwelling scenarios // AP770
  • IOANA TRUȘCĂ2019 // Dwelling scenarios // AP770
  • IOANA TRUȘCĂ2019 // Dwelling scenarios // AP770
  • IOANA TRUȘCĂ2017 // Turb@
  • IOANA TRUȘCĂ2017 // Turb@
  • IOANA TRUȘCĂ2017 // Turb@
  • IOANA TRUȘCĂ2017 // Turb@
Ioana Trușcă lives and works in Bucharest. She's an architect and illustrator - of comics, particularly. In 2016 she illustrates Turb@1. The city of Tîrgu-Jiu - a playground for crazy rabbits, addicted to peat and lignite. In 2017 she illustrates Sofica - for PUCK.
In 2018 she participates with "Scenarios for Living" at BETA, as part of the "On Housing" exhibition, of IDEILAGRAM. "One Night Gallery love Ioana Trușcă" also takes place in 2018.


2019 // Dwelling scenarios // AP770
How many objects and how many people can two rooms accommodate?
What happens when in one pantry you have to pile up the pickle jars from your concerned, provincial parents from both sides?
What is it like to wake up in the bedroom and work in the dining room?
How convenient is it to spy on your neighbors from your stairwell?

You can find the answers in a collection of housing scenarios for a space almost all of us are familiar with: the ever-present two-room apartment. Nine short cartoon stories are created around a user type whose life within the very same 50 sq. m is closely considered in every aspect.

The lives of these neighborhood heroes take place somehow in a reality which could be measured in square meters and lies in-between comedy and ridicule.

2018 // SOFICA
Who is Sofica?

She left Măcin for Brăila on her 18th birthday, but ended up in Stockholm – the most beautiful city in her world. It all started from a coffee cup (fika, in Swedish), in which the past and the future could alternatively be predicted.
The project is part of the PUCK exhibition - Pop-Up Creative Kit - Zeppelin, Bucharest
The illustrations are made using pencil and black ink.

2017 // Turb@
Each time we plug in a smart device and see the battery charged at 100%, we ( do not ) know that 30% of the fill is coal. We consume coal and we close up mines, while other are reopening them.

People in areas dedicated to the extractive industry are running away from the "lignite'' tag, are running away from the tag of unemployed coal miner. The problem: how to create a new kind of identity - coal-based.

Coal can be expressive. It has intrinsic material expressivity and beyond that, it knows how to leave traces on paper. Drawing with coal! "Turb@". A book about coal, illustrated in coal by Ioana Trusca. Justin Baroncea was the storyteller, TRSC was the illustrator and Radu Manelci mounted the images into a book. A comic book about rabbits "getting high" on coal and becoming hysterical. A Japanese mad scientist ends up in Tg. Jiu. Monumental art in the background. Black & white. Coal everywhere. By Pandapanda. A way of selling overpriced coal. Expensive! But not quite!