The Institute promovează industriile creative din România, urmărind să contribuie la modernizarea României. The Institute inițiază și organizează evenimente de 19 ani și a construit o comunitate ce reunește antreprenori, profesioniști și publicul industriilor creative din România.

Prin tot ceea ce face,  contribuie la construirea unei infrastructuri puternice pentru dezvoltarea antreprenoriatului creativ în țară, crește și diversifică audiența atelierelor, designerilor, micilor afaceri, agențiilor și manufacturilor, promovează antreprenorii și profesioniștii creativi pe plan național și internațional. 

Pentru idei, recomandări sau noutăți, scrie-ne la

Termeni și condiții ale The Institute și politica de confidențialitate a datelor cu caracter personal. 



Who's who / 11 Apr 2019 / RDW team
  • I{N}STANCE2019 // Aggregate Cells luminaires
  • I{N}STANCE2019 // Aggregate Cells luminaires
  • I{N}STANCE2019 // Aggregate Cells luminaires
  • I{N}STANCE2019 // Aggregate Cells luminaires
  • I{N}STANCE2019 // Aggregate Cells luminaires
i{n}stance is a spin-off brand from idz arhitectura which focuses on digital design and fabrication for product design and jewellery, by blending traditional craftsmanship and state-of-the-art technology. An “Instance” stands for the particular, the {n}th is an element in a sea of multiple possibilities, a specific occurrence which was deliberately chosen.

i{n}stance is a brand which aims to create unique, individual products, by using algorithmic design strategies and digital fabrication.


2019 // Aggregate Cells luminaires
The Aggregate Cells luminaires combines computational design with digital fabrication means and subjective aesthetics. The intent was to explore methods of aggregation of volumetric cells with a regular repetitive geometry that are set free by deformation. Thus, cells lose their uniformity, but maintain geometric relations. By transforming stable and uniform structures, a familiar but altered image is gained, focused on topological deformation and on the new redefined relations between cells.

The Aggregate Cells luminaires are born from a process based on feedback between concept, geometry and material, all of which are translated into code. The shape, material and method of materialization bear the fingerprint of the digital environment; thus, the filiform and porous structures are generated using computation and made by 3D printing in ABS plastic that are manually assembled using brass pipes and accessories.