The Institute promovează industriile creative din România, urmărind să contribuie la modernizarea României. The Institute inițiază și organizează evenimente de 19 ani și a construit o comunitate ce reunește antreprenori, profesioniști și publicul industriilor creative din România.

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Who's who / 08 Mai 2014 /
Javier Menendez is a Spanish architect. He has been working in Romania for over 8 years and he has created the Disenate concept.

Diseñate is a furniture factory, an architecture firm, an interior design company, all these in one. So that what it brings as a premiere on the Romanian market is a unitary concept covering each stage of the process to the minutest details, so that the final project is complete and coherent. From the concept of architecture and interior design to the object design, from conceptualizing and creating personalized furniture to executing the finishing touches, from installing accessories to positioning works of art, Diseñate transforms everyone’s dream in an exclusive reality, whether it is a home, an office space or an elegant hotel.

Underground parking in the Stejarii Country Club Complex, Bucharest, completion year 2013, 12000 sq.m. They relied on the morphology of the building when creating the concept of design and finishes, they used the idea of organic continuity both visually and spatially. Passing through different areas (A,B,C,D) they considered the distribution that would lead from the basement to the surface (main entrance, children’s entrance, pool area customer parking area,  fitness area, tennis courts, golf course etc.). In order to potentiate this idea they used a "code" of colors and graphics, both to facilitate the orientation in space for users and to create from the first contract with the club the atmosphere and dynamism that they will later develop inside.

Project team : Project Manager arch. Javier Menendez (Disenate) Associate arch. Alexandra Ursan (Disenate) Graphics: arch. Javier Menendez (Disenate ), Collaborators Andrei Turenici (Daniel&Andrew), Marius Bodnariu (Daniel&Andrew) .