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Czech Center in Bucharest // “By the clicking an eye”

Articol / 29 Apr 2015 / INSTITUTE.RO
  • Czech Center in Bucharest // “By the clicking an eye”
  • Czech Center in Bucharest // “By the clicking an eye”
  • Czech Center in Bucharest // “By the clicking an eye”
Installation: Ondřej Vicena

Borrowed copies of black and white negatives of Josef Sudek´s work from the archives of the Institute of Art History Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic are the primary basis for the installation made by Ondřej Vicena, that features images that capture utilitarian objects and direct imprint of the original glass negatives of Sudek’s estate. The composition expresses speed, repeating motifs, machine production, faith into technological progress and talkes about abstract constructivist ideas of the early 20th century.

Gabroveni Inn - Lipscani Street, no. 84-90
Exhibition: 18-24th of May
Official opening: 20th of May