The Institute promovează industriile creative din România, urmărind să contribuie la modernizarea României. The Institute inițiază și organizează evenimente de 19 ani și a construit o comunitate ce reunește antreprenori, profesioniști și publicul industriilor creative din România.

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/ 13 Oct 2013 /
  • ALEXE POPESCU // 2013

In the beginning it was Polytechnical – mechanic engineering in French. In 1996, during a practical stage in Barcelona I bought my fist SLR, and then t a zooming device and I started seriously to draw. In 1998 I enrolled with UNARTE, Design department and in 2002 I’ve got my diploma in graphic design/type design, though later on I have discovered other tempting areas of design.

At first I was an enthusiastic lecturer at UNARTE/design for one year, after that Art Director with Saatchi & Saatchi about for the same period, then Designer for La Strada Group. At present I do book design for the Publica Publishing House, visual identity projects and I build my product design brand Combina.


For the moment, Combina products are based on a simple concept: 1 product = 1 material + 1 technological process. P-1 wallet uses a repoussé piece of paper and Cookie Table and the Grafica series uses a layer of birch wood cut on the router. The plasticized paper wallet P-1, upgraded now to P-2,  has a review on designboom (, and Cookie Table and Grafica series (created together with Radu Manelici) were present in the Exhibit “Common Roots” in Holon Design Museum, Israel.


With more than 500 buyers for my combina wallets, I consider myself contented. I am also optimistic regarding the furniture, however things are moving slower in that direction.


A design as democratically as possible.


RDW is something I have expecting for years in Bucharest. It had a good start in life. Long live RDW!