The Institute promovează industriile creative din România, urmărind să contribuie la modernizarea României. The Institute inițiază și organizează evenimente de 19 ani și a construit o comunitate ce reunește antreprenori, profesioniști și publicul industriilor creative din România.

Prin tot ceea ce face,  contribuie la construirea unei infrastructuri puternice pentru dezvoltarea antreprenoriatului creativ în țară, crește și diversifică audiența atelierelor, designerilor, micilor afaceri, agențiilor și manufacturilor, promovează antreprenorii și profesioniștii creativi pe plan național și internațional. 

Pentru idei, recomandări sau noutăți, scrie-ne la

Termeni și condiții ale The Institute și politica de confidențialitate a datelor cu caracter personal. 



/ 07 Mai 2014 /
In 2009, Irina Pogonaru has launched - a start-up focusing on the design and production of custom furniture. Alongside her team whose combined experience in woodworking and upholstery exceeds 50,000 hours, Irina’s aim is to contribute to promoting customisation and authenticity in a world of mass production. Photoliu makes furniture in various styles, customizing pieces in the most wide-ranging ways and up to the smallest details. The Photoliu concept is based on a passion for interiors with character where the accents fall on both statement pieces and on complementary textures and colour schemes.

Lana is a young Romanian fashion designer and a recent graduate who is currently researching for her PhD in Arts and Fashion. With 8 distinct collections in her portfolio which have consisted, until now, in ''wearable opinions''-as she describes her clothes- Lana has won the jury's appreciation in various design competitions.

Respecting traditional values, but inspired by the needs of the modern world, two teams put their creative minds to work hoping to find a balance between the old and the new, the traditional and the contemporary.

Eight months of work materialized in an elaborately crafted piece with an authentic look, perfectly blended into today’s modern spaces, but still proudly displaying hints of its original time stamp. The belief behind this project is that the knowledge and ethnic base should not be forgotten but rather reintegrated with the help of modern design. The object was designed for Photoliu by Dizainăr.